June 6, 2015

Steak Medallions are not Gold Medals for Carnivores

So, to me these are super simple too. And they are probably a little healthier than the Mac n Cheese Biscuits.

Steak Medallions - or Medals for Meat Eaters


  • About a pound of steak.
  • Package of bacon
  • Choice of sides:
    • We did carrots, green beans, and bread.
  • About 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 Tbsp. of pepper.

Cook it!

Cut your steak into pieces that are about 2 1/2 " or so

I didn't take nearly enough pictures but lets' describe:
I slice the garlic cloves. I get about 4-5 slices per clove.
Place one of these slices against the steak, wrap the steak in a piece of bacon.
So I really forgot to take pictures the other night. Like I've said, I've been busy at work and my brain is fried. But, I covered the steak part. That's easy, right?
After wrapping them in bacon, sprinkle your salt over the top, and toss it in the over at about 375 or so for about 20 minutes. Sorry, these always come out about medium. I blame the bacon being all, pork, and not super safe to eat "rare."

For my sides, well, I'm a simple creature. I like cold carrots. Those are easy.
The green beans? Well, those are more fun. 
Fill your pot with water enough to cover the beans. Throw in the beans, a little left over bacon (I normally have about 2 strips left) and what ever is left of your garlic. I throw them in while the water is heating, by the time it's boiled long enough to cook the bacon, everything else is done. 

The bread? Well, that's bread. Cut it, butter it, toss it in to get toasty while your steak bakes!

Hopefully this week I'll be back into my normal groove and be able to give a few more ideas and better pictures for you all to Eat Too Many with me n Miss Rabbit. 

Mac n Cheese Biscuits!

Sorry for the delay my loyal readers. Things have been, a bit, hectic, with work.
I've been a bad blogger and not cooking as much, or at least nothing as unique and fun as I like to post. Then again, I also haven't been taking pictures or updating. I deserve to be beat with a wet noodle. One of the big flat ones. I like rice noodles..


On track, though, not all meals have to be complicated, right? I mean, people liked the PB&J Wontons, so lets give another great example!

Mac n Cheese Biscuits!

These are super easy, and lovely things. There are so many things you can do with them (that I will give examples at the end with!)

  • A can if Biscuits: I use the Grands Original, not flaky ones.
  • A box of Mac N Cheese: Kraft.. I don't care what people say. 
That's it! Right? Freaking simple!

Lets get Cookin'

Open your biscuits.

Cut them open!

Cook some Mac n Cheese

Stuff your biscuits

Close them nice

Lay them out nice
Bake them for 15 minutes or so (Depending on your oven, biscuits, etc)
Seriously that's all! These are super easy and tasty things. There are so many variants and things you can do to these. You can insert cut up hot dogs while cooking them (yum!) or place a few on top and let them cook in as well. You can make  a basic "ketchup glaze," by watering down the ketchup some and lightly brushing it over the biscuits. 

Are these healthy? Probably not. But dammit they are yummy..