July 1, 2015

Get Pickled!!!

So I've been sick, so we haven't been posting. Well, we kind of posted, and we posted a lot just now, but see, Rabbit won't update on her own without being prodded with a sharp stick, and I was freaking sick.
So, as is the age old family tradition, when sick, drink. So, I got pickled. Which lead me to think about preparation. You know, you have to prepare to drink, think about the hang over, etc...

BUT I also prepare by taking pictures of the silly things I'm doing, even if I am not going to post that way. BAM prepare biiiaaattccch.

And since I've been drinking, I'm going to post other things that were pickled!!!

So this is normally where I tell you what we need. Here's the deal, I cheater-pickle. I don't do the whole special salt, special vinegar, boiling pot and mason jars.
Nope, homie does easy things.

I try to keep most all of this in the house anyway. And you should to. If you don't... You probably live in like, Cambodia.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar - It's cheap, liiike your mom.
  • Kosher Salt - I never know when Dov is going to show up
  • Water - ....
  • Sugar - Noooooommmmm
The basic recipe is easy: 

  • 1/2 cup Vinegar
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1-2 teaspoons salt
This is all adjustable depending how strong, salty, sugary, etc. you want things. I adjusted and danced as I went. I also use recycled containers. Why? I'm cheap. Err I mean, green and like to recycle!!

In the picture above you have (from top to bottom):
Red Onions
Green Onions

These were things that I had in the fridge, waiting not to die. So, they went in.

I made the Red onion 100% to the recipe.
The shallots got a little more sugar.
Green onions a hint more salt.
The garlic? Watered down. 

It's just to taste.
But here's the deal. I fucking LOVE pickled onions.
They are SO pretty when done, and give everything this magic taste. Everything else was awesome as well.

Dried To-ma-toes are great too. And JUST AS freaking easy.

You need:
  • As many tomatoes as you want 
  • Salt
  • An oven that can set lowwwwwwww

First I'm going to brag: If you can find tomatoes on the vine? Get them. I didn't goto some farmers market (I love them, don't let my sass fool you).. My local Grocer - Basha's, carries them. Fresh and local and awesome.
The hardest part here is your knife skills. You want to slice these as evenly as possible. Sharp knife, steady hand, and a few minutes of time. 
Lay them out on something non-stick and oven safe. Lightly salt to taste. Toss it in the oven at your low temp and let bake until they are like leather. 

I messed up! I got distracted! I cooked mine until they were chips. Know what? They were still incredible. 

Oh and want to see what bad knife skeelz and large clumsy hands do?

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