March 26, 2010

Country Cafe

Kobold and I were hungry (as is wont to happen) and were looking for something close to home when we came across Country Cafe. When we walked in, we immediately noticed that we were two of the smaller people in the place. Generally this means two things: 1). The portions of the food are gigantic and 2). the prices are good. Upon perusing the menu we decided the second was definitely true. Prices here? Completely reasonable.

We ordered our drinks and were presented with near-gallon sized cups. Ok, if this follows suit with the drinks, we're in like Flynn. We ordered an appetizer (mozzarella sticks) and were pleasantly surprised with the ginormous portions displayed here. Woot for us.

Kobold ordered the chicken wings with home made potato chips and much to our pleasure, he was presented with nearly (maybe even more than) a pound of wings which were awesomely flavored and yum-tastic. Same with the potato chips. Cooked fresh, well seasoned and in huge abundance.

I decided on the chicken fried steak and was shocked when it came to me. Two huge pieces of meat in awesome breading, smothered in home-made brown gravy; plus a baked potato, green beans and a roll (as if I could even think to eat it)!

We couldn't even conceive of getting desert, but it looked absolutely amazing. The menu is varied and 'down home cooking' oriented, though like I said - totally reasonable on the price.

The ambiance is down-home, as the name suggests and the staff is super-friendly. Just a note, though, the women's bathroom is white and yellow. You may want to squint when first entering.

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