February 27, 2010

Grind Burger - part deux

All right, all right - I know, we've covered Grind Burger before (and bought their swag and been there at least three more times since we've reviewed it the first time) but I have to tell you, I have NEVER had any sort of burger this damned good. It makes me want to punch multiple babies. MULTIPLE!

Ghryc, Kobold and I headed down there as the general cry for the evening was "give me red meat!" This time instead of a turkey burger, I had cow (as did Kobold) and as Ghryc was feeling a little disinclined to be quite as big a fatty as the other two of us, he chose the meatless patty.

But first!

We had the appetizer. It was nom-tastic. Calamari in thai sweet sauce? Can we haz moar pleeeze?! Kobold said he might just order the appetizer as a meal next time we came, it was that damned good.

Even the meatless patty was good (according to Ghryc, neither Kobold nor I dared try it) and the toppings/sauces were as always, amazing.

I'm beginning to think that there are subliminal messages in the rockin' music they play at this place because aside from the 'meh' caliber of the dessert, I have yet to try anything here that was not 'hurt infants' good.


You guys have got to try this place!

The Deli Den

Once upon a time, Ms. Rabbit and Mr. Kobold drove allllllll the way out to never-never-land to find a papasan that was barely used and on the cheap. Whilst out on their adventure, they hungered. Deciding to see what sort of delectable edibles were available out in knobby-ville, they drove to the Durango and 215 area and found a place called The Deli Den. Seeing the prices were reasonable, and being that Rabbit is a big fan of delis in general and more specifically, New York style delis, they decided to nom at this place.

Ms. Rabbit chose the Philly Cheesesteak sandwich and Kobold chose the special (which we unfortunately cannot remember the name of) with corned beef, provolone and yum-tastic bread. Both were excellent, the meat had good flavor and the portions were huge. The service was mediocre at best, but the staff was friendly enough. It definitely had a family-owned feel and the decor was functional and non-fancy (odd, for that side of town).

The two adventurers nom-ed their gigantic sandwiches and eyed dessert but thought better of it, as the balaclava was bigger than Rabbit's hand. Yikes! Portions here are out of control big.

The only sticking point that was while Kobold was digesting, the tummy started to churn and do unhappy things. We're not sure if it was the sandwich, the corned beef or the combination of the two, but it did not end well for Kobold's bathroom or his stash of TP.

So if you're ever waaaaaaaaaaay out in never-never-land, give it a try but beware the corned beef.